The men and women who protect and serve are never really "off-duty" and in that respect neither is your TruckVault.
Each TruckVault Secure Storage System serves on-duty customers in many ways. Law Enforcement officers carry a ton of gear daily and on top of that many officers today perform multiple duties. SWAT officers, for instance, carry additional high value gear that needs securing. Overloaded and busting at the seams and with cab space at a premium, TruckVault products not only secure valuable or sensitive items but also organize it efficiently saving both time and money. The same goes for surveyors, photographers, and any number of other professions where expensive equipment is transported daily while on the job. But TruckVault isn’t just for work purposes, it can be for your weekend adventures as well.

With outdoor sports and overlanding on the rise in the last 5 years or so, people are investing in expensive equipment for camping, fishing, sport shooting, etc. and this means that more and more people need to make sure their investments don’t get stolen. TruckVault in-vehicle secure storage solutions can be used to hold firearms used for hunting, but also for many other things such as skis, fishing poles, cameras, and more. We’ve seen a huge increase in customers who are looking for a TruckVault for their overlanding trips so that as they travel the world in their vehicle, they can securely store their camping and cooking equipment so that when they need to leave their vehicle for a hike or to grab a bite to eat they don’t need to worry about someone breaking in and taking their most valuable gear.
We’ve come across many public safety customers who, after seeing how they were able to utilize their department’s TruckVault, decide to purchase one for their personal vehicle as well as for their hunting, fishing, and everyday life need for secure storage. One customer, a local law enforcement officer for the WDFW (he cannot be named due to the nature of his job, so we’ll call him John) who is also a competition bow hunter, has a TruckVault for his on duty and off duty needs. John says,
"I own a TruckVault in my personal rig as well as my patrol pickup. My TruckVault in my personal vehicle secures my competition/hunting archery gear. I drive a 2017 Toyota Tacoma and with gear worth in excess of $2,000 it gives me peace of mind knowing it is safe. I used to just lock it up in the cab of my truck, but with so many rigs getting broken into these days I can’t risk it.”
– Department of Fish and Wildlife Officer
As a law enforcement officer for the Department of Fish and Wildlife, there’s a need to secure firearms, tranquilizer guns, ballistics vests, and other extremely sensitive equipment which is why so many of these agencies equip their fleets with TruckVault secure in-vehicle storage products. Having a TruckVault Secure Storage System in their department vehicles ensures that they can put their gear in their vehicles without having to worry about it getting into the wrong hands. Many men and women in the public safety sector choose to conceal carry a gun when they’re off-duty as well so they come to TruckVault looking for a solution to store their firearm for their personal vehicle, knowing the risk of leaving it unsecured far outweighs the cost of a TruckVault. John’s an avid competition archer and hunter, so his gear spends a lot of time in his car and he knows he can’t afford to lose it. John frequently travels the country to go to competitions and knows that when much of your time is spent on the road, the risk of getting your vehicle broken into is even higher so the need to secure your gear is also heightened. He chose to invest in a TruckVault so he can sleep at night, no matter where in the country he is, knowing that his expensive hunting and archery gear will be there in his truck when he wakes up in the morning.

The same people that use TruckVault Secure In-Vehicle Storage Systems for their on-duty life in law enforcement are the ones who like to hike, camp, hunt, or even just carry a firearm in their off-duty life. We understand that buying one of our products is an investment, but it’s one worth investing in because your TruckVault can be utilized in every facet of your life. After seeing how much use his department got out of their TruckVault and knowing that local, state, and federal departments around the nation trust TruckVault product to keep their gear safe, John decided he needed one too. There’s a reason why over 10,000 local, state, and federal departments around the U.S. have trusted TruckVault for over 20 years to keep their gear safe and secure. Each Storage System is made to withstand the toughest conditions and last a lifetime so that wherever you find yourself, whether you’re on-duty or off-duty, your TruckVault will be there for you.